Saturday, February 8, 2014

email 2.3.14

Hola mi familia, este semana yo he sentido muy muy muy feliz, y porque no?  Estoy aqui haciendo la obra del senor, y este vida es la mejor.  Hay bastante cosas que son muy feliz!  Ojala ustedes estan teniendo la misma gozo en sus vidas.  Si no, orar para tener mas felicidad, porque es la mejor sentimiento en todo el mundo, y hay mucho para compartir!
I just love spanish and life.  I am serious, I never new I would love spanish this much, but I do!  

This week has been great.  I am just happy.  There is so much to be happy about.  We were driving in the car with the sister training leaders this week to go to zone meeting and it was sunny (still freezing) and bright and I just thought, why not be happy, it is just so silly not to be!  

This week we have been teaching the Plan of Salvation, or Plan of happiness as I like to call it, and then this sunday was all about it too!  I had some new revelations about it when we were teaching it to our 15 year old investigator Daniela.  She is a sweet heart, and wants to be baptized, but her parents are not on board...yet, so we are praying.  But anyways we were teaching her the plan of salvation and I realized how much we learn about our individual identities through it.  How really divine it is to be Children of God, and how much value we have.  There is nothing like telling a 15 year old girl that she has value and God knows her, and has his plan specifically for her, and that she can find her identity through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  She knew that what we were saying was true, she felt it, the spirit helped her, and she wants to be baptized!  Best.  Day.  Ever.  Also we have been going to Young Womens because there are two sets of Hermanas in our ward, and it is the best.  I love love love the youth, they are so inspiring and it is so neat to help them understand these simple truths.  

Also the good news is that Mana Rosen and I went full out twinning to zone meeting, and it was a big hit.  We sometimes mostly always are semi matching or coordinating and all the missionaries just die over it, so we thought we would show them what it really means to match.  

We are still teaching Manuel y Norma and they are reading and coming to church and progressing!  We are just praying that they keep coming along.  We really love them.  We had an awesome lesson with them on Saturday night.  Our cute member Meya Crisp came out with us, and her 13 year old daughter Bethany (who is literally a scriptorian and plays the organ, self-taught) wanted to come too.  They are just adorable and the lesson went perfectly!  Manuel is super philosophical and deep, which is good, but sometimes we have to bring it back to the simple truths, and Bethany was perfect.  She has the most pure, undeniable testimony, and wasn't shy to share it, to adults, in spanish.  She is everything that I want to be. 

Church was awesome yesterday.  We have the best obispo ever, he just works so hard.  He is white, and hilarious, and tries so hard to run the ward.  I am beginning to understand a little bit more what a big job it is to be a bishop.  Those are just inspiring humans!  Also Elba came to church yesterday! She has been an investigator forever, and her kids, Corina y Said were baptized about 4 months ago.  After they got baptized Elba hasn't really come to church.  But yesterday she came!  It was the best ever, I even shed a tear.  We are still working with her, but she is the sweetest woman, and I love her.  

Mostly I love everyone.  There is just so many things to be happy about and grateful for.  I am so grateful for you, mi familia, for your support and love.  You are the best ever.  Keep working hard.  Have the best week!  Luke, no se precoupe, I am praying for you and your finals! 

love, Hermana Riley Jane

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