Saturday, February 1, 2014

email 1.21.14

Hola mi bonita familia!

This week has been LOCO, and I really love loco.  Also I received the Bournes Christmas Card, and I about died of laughter, and once again it has been confirmed that Eliza and I are soul sisters, and we have a happy life full of spanglish ahead of us!   

But really this week has been the best.  Full to the brim with milagros.  Every time we turned around there was something else awesome happening.  

So last week we were looking for a less active family in our ward, but naturally there was only a building number, and no door number, so clearly we decided to knock the whole building.  So we knock the first door, and they let us right in.  They had millions of questions and just wanted us to stay forever and teach them all the things.  They are the cutest little family, and their daughters look like dora and boots, so that is just perfect.  We were just beaming and so excited.  Later in the week we had another lesson set up with them, and Hermana Crisp, who is my idol and a member in our ward, was going to come with us.  But at last min she couldn't come, so we decided to call hermana Henderson, another awesome member and she agreed.  But when we got there they weren't there and we were really sad, but Hna rosen said we should try and see some other people, as long as we had a member with us.  So we attempted a few others that we had been trying to see, and finally one of our investigators let us in!  Hurray, her name is rosita.  And we had the perfect lesson, hermana Henderson was just perfect, exactly what rosita needed.  We know that she was supposed to be in that lesson with us.  And we also reschedualed the lesson with Alex and Roxanna, and Hermana Crisp came, and it was perfect too.  So the Lord has his ways! 

Also we found 2 other very prepared investigators.  Well the english elders did, they knocked into them, and gave us the reference, so we went and visited them.  Their names are Manuel and Norma, they are an older couple and they have all the questions.  All the ones we want them to have, and they are just eating it all up.  We have had two lessons with them, they came to church, and last night we had a noche de hogar (FHE) with them at a members house.  That was the best.  Do that!  He is very educated, and kind of asked questions that are hard, mostly because his vocabulary is so large, but we have had members with us, and also the spirit and he is just loving every second.  

We have just been living up the missionary life, and we have been so busy.  Running here and there, but I have been learning so much.  We have been very blessed.  

I have been reading the bible for personal study, and other things too.  Genesis was hard for me, but now i am in Exodus, and it is starting to make more sense.  It is amazing that if we have the faith, we can really be vehicles for the power of God.  

Hermana Rosen and I have made a goal to be more like Women of God.  There is a quote by MARGARET D. NADAULD, that says "Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity."  So we have split up the words and we are working on one or two every week.  Last week we worked on Tender and Kind.  It is sometimes hard to be those things.  But I thought about all the tender and kind women example that I know, and I just want to be like them.  Mandy Bourne is one of those examples, being able to see the way that she treats her children, just makes me want to be a mom some day.  I am still working on it, but good thing to think about!

We had an awesome week.  I know that Heavenly Father is here with us, and is helping us always in our work.  He wants all of his children to be happy and to receive all of the blessings that they deserve.  And honestly I think I am just starting to skim the surface of those miraculous blessings.  He is just too good to us.  I am just so happy to be here, doing his work, and learning.  

I love you all very much.  I loved the pictures of Sharons baby, he is too cute!  that is just so exciting.  I hope all is well there.  Keep being the best!  Les quiero mucho!

con amor, Hermana Riley Jane

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