Monday, February 24, 2014

email 2.24.14

Hello once again my lovely family.  It is good to hear from you all and know that all is well on the home front.  I really do love you all the most and I am so grateful for you.

We were having a ROUGH week, we were just having a hard time.  Our cute Norma and Manuel literally have disappeared...just gone...and we were getting dropped by some of our other investigators, and members haven't been coming out with know the drill.  That is the end of my complaining because this transfer I have adopted the motto from the Temple Square missionaries/Anna, I do not: complain, criticize, compare, or compete!  So I am done now, but I am just going to say it was hard.  

 It is kind of ironic, and perfect, because on Wednesday we had sisters meeting.  Now sisters meeting is the best thing on the planet because you get to see all your friends and have the best training.  And the trainings arent about missionary work, well not directly.  They are about being happy and de stressing and how to be more humble and all the best things.  So everything I feel so feliz after and it is perfect.  Also they always feed us a million different kinds of salads for lunch and we love it. In one of the trainings about being happy the Sister said that if we want to be happy we have to think that we are...and also to make ourselves happy we have to serve to make others happy and then we will be too.  Best advice ever.  Being happy is the best.  

Speaking of being happy, I am so happy.  Last night we had one of the best lessons on my mission.  And that is real life.  We had some drama drama at church with the ward, because sometimes the hispanics like that, and we were tired.  But the good news is we had one sceduled lesson last night and we even had a member to come with us.  Let me rewind for a min.  On Wednesday night we went on exchanges with some English missionaries, good times.  We had a lesson with a potential that the English Zone Leaders gave us.  We had passed by a couple of times and set up a couple of appointments, and I was just hoping that they would be there because we had a member with us, which is always the best.  And guess what it was a milagro, Frank and Waleska were home!  She almost didn't let us in, but her husband insisted, so I was happy.  We ended up having an awesome lesson, mostly just talking about Christ and he had lots of questions about repentance.  Turns out she had taken the lesson in Puerto Rico 20 years ago and he is "Catholic" , but they were both really open and wanting to learn.  So back to Last night, the milagro of all milagros.  We had the same member with us, and Mana Rosen was back with me, which is always a plus, and we were all prepared to teach them the Restoration.  So we go in, get started and have an AWESOME lesson, she is getting it, and asking questions, and asking how she can find out for herself, and peroozing the Libro de Mormon.  I was dying I was so happy.  I haven't had some one really get it that well in a long time, well on the first lesson.  She was so excited!  But then the real milagro we were wrapping up she said that she just had to tell us how big of an answer to prayer and a milagro we were in her life.  She said that ever since she got married a year ago she has been suffering from depression, and before she never had.  Life was getting pretty rough and she had been praying and praying and praying for God to help her, and then we showed up at her door.  Well first the Elders, she said she let them in because of the light they had and when they left she felt happy.  Then when we taught on Wednesday she said before we got there she had just been crying and crying and couldn't stop, but then after the happiness lasted a little longer.  And then she couldn't wait for our appointment because she wanted to feel that again.  It was amazing, I know that we were put in her path, and she knows how good this gospel is, she is already receiving her answer!  Also she prayed at the end of the lesson and said that she is anxious to receive her answer.  A missionary can't ask for anything more.  Heavenly Father is good, he puts us where we need to be, and he sometimes gives us hard times, but the best times are always worth it.  So so so good. 

We also went to Emma Crisps Baptism, she is one of my favorite little humans.  Her family is a very strong family in the ward here and live in our area so we eat with them alot, and Hermana Crisp is my idol and comes out to lessons with us.  We had been teaching her the lessons, because her mom was worried, but she is the smartest little thing on the planet and so sweet, but also has a sassy side, so you know how I love that.  The Baptism was beautiful, and she was so happy.  

We also had a possum in our trashcan, which was very exciting.  It crawled in there and got stuck and we were all too scared to tip it over, because it was creepy looking.  But then Sister Silva (roommate) decided to do the deed.  There was lots of screaming, just mostly classic.  

I have been studying about faith this week and I have really learned so much.  It is so funny how fast and unnoticed my faith can falter, one second it is there strong, and the next it is gone.  I was reading in the PMG under faith, and it says that part of faith is having confidence in the mission.  So that is what I am working on, having confidence in the mission.  Having faith in the Savior that can lead me to hearing the spirit, and having confidence in myself that as long as I am doing what I need to be doing, that I will be led to those that need me and say what Heavenly Father needs me to say.  

Life is great.  I am happy.  I love to be a missionary.  I love to love people and help them understand Heavenly Fathers plan for them.  I love you all.  Have the best week ever!  And don't forget about the four C's!  We are focusing on criticizing this week!  

con amor, Hermana Myer

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