Tuesday, July 23, 2013

email 7.22.13


I have officially arrived, and I love it here.  This place is amazing, it is beautiful.  Everything is green and filled with trees and they have the cutest little houses.  It is perfect.  So much has happened and I won't be able to explain everything, but here it goes.  

So when we first arrived they took us to a stake center and fed us and oriented us and so forth.  They had all the sister stay at the mission home, and they sent the elders to sleep on some members floors, oops.  On Thursday we had a transfer meeting where we met our trainers.  My trainers name is Camrie George, and she is simply lovely.  She is darling, she has cute freckles, and is a sweetheart.  She actually looks a little like Sammy Cummings, if you squint.  We get along swimmingly, and good news she has been here for 14 months so the spanish is good for her.  So Hermana George and I got assigned to Harrisonburg, and we are opening a new area.  It is so funny everyone says that Harrisonburg is in the mountains, which are actually more like hills, either way it is beautiful here and I was really excited to come out here.  There is only a small branch, which already had a set of Elders in it, but we basically have to start from scratch.  But we were both really excited.  But because we are opening the area they didn't exactly have the apartment ready on Thursday so we spent the night with some sisters in Waynesboro.  Anyway, Friday we came up here and got the apartment (it still has no furniture, or any thing at all in it besides our stuff), met with the Elders in our ward, and then got to work.  They told us they had about thirty people that came to the branch and gave us a bunch of members and less actives to visit.  So we just started out, and I love it.

Before we met the Elders we went to Wendy's to grab some lunch.  When we were there we overheard two men talking in Spanish, Hmmm. George said that I had to go contact them while they were sitting at their table, I of corse was freaking out, forgot all the Spanish I knew, but not wanting to be lame I said I would do it.  So we walk over there and by a miracle I get something out about where are you from and I am a representative of Christ, want to come to church?  One of the men, Ceasar, said yes he would love to come and gave me his number on a napkin.  I was in awe.  I just kept thinking wow I have no idea how that happened, but I just knew he would come to church.  My trainer told me not to get my hopes up because people don't come to church all the time when they say they will.  But I said pooh pooh, I decided I am having faith no matter what.  

Saturday we had a Hermana get emergency transferred to us, she is a visa waiter and they wanted her to be in a Spanish companionship.  She is awesome, her name is Hermana Olsen and I love her, she is calm but super funny.  We all work great together.  

So our game plan so far is to visit all the members and less actives and get to know the ward.  We have an awesome branch president, Presedente Lagos.  And I LOVE the people.  We have people from all over, Guatamala, El Salvador, Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, you name it.  They are the greatest people, they just want to love you, and mostly they just want to love sister missionaries.  They are all really excited to have us here, almost as excited as we are!  

Sunday was probably one of the best days of my life.  We had a meeting before church with Presedente Lagos and the Elders.  We finished just a couple of mins before church started so everyone was already sitting down.  When I walked in the door Elder Burbank came over to me with the wide eyes and said, "HE IS HERE, YOUR WENDY'S GUY CAME"  And there he was on the back row with his friend Javier.  I had no clue what to do, all I could do was smile.  I could not have been happier, I was just beaming and I sat down next to him and we had a lovely meeting.  He was just so happy to be there and trying to sing and loved reading the book of Mormon.  After Sunday school he said they were going to stay for the last hour even.  I could have died right there.  And on top of that he invited me to come and teach him on Saturday.  Lucky for me I understood that.  Can you say prepared?  I was floored by the power that my faith had had.  Best.  Also there were actually only nine members at church, so it was alot smaller than we had anticipated.  There are six women in the relief society, and they all love us to death.  I am so excited to get this branch moving.  Also come to find out that Javier is a member...which was a little weird, but we found a new investigator and a less active all in one whammy!  Oh I am just so thrilled.  

I love being a missionary, it is the very best of times.  I know that Heavenly Father cares about three little Hermanas in Harrisonburg Virginia.  I know that he answers prayers and I know that he is preparing people all around us.  

Also we have the best elders, the Spanish ones are awesome, they are always making sure we have everything we need.  It is so funny to imagine my friends (used to be) out there being nice to sister missionaries, they really are the best.  Actually they somehow managed to get two twin sized mattresses in their little car so that we didn't have to sleep on the floor.  I think we are supposed to get furniture on Friday?  But who knows! 

I do need a couple of things.  I am wondering if you can do some research on a portable GPS.  Nothing fancy, just really easy, but maps are hard.  I just don't have the technology or the time to do research.  Also If you could send me some work out DVDs, maybe a zumba?  We have a little DVD player.  And also some Spanish CDs...maybe some Christian Spanish music?  I don't know the music rules are pretty light as long as they aren't about love...our address is
228-D Rocco Ave
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Tell people to send me letters not emails and to that address.  Thank you!

I love you very much.  I am glad that your summer is going so well!  That is so fun that Weston is home, give him a hug for me! I am glad that Luke is going to send me a letter.  Tell Kenna to send me one too, and Alyse and Chad.  Also tell Rachel to write me back. Also tell Troy to write me.  Love the missionaries for me!  

xoxo Hermana Myer

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