Wednesday, April 30, 2014

email 4.14.14

We are still alive and working here in Midlothian!

First things first, Cristian did not get baptized this weekend.  On Monday night after he had his interview and everything he decided that he just does not feel it yet, so we are still working with him, keep him in your prayers, he is just so great.  

Secondly, we have kind of had a crazy week.  Sweet Hermana Hiebert has been going through some more trials, and I have had a hard time with my stomach, but the most important thing is that we have been able to pull together for each other and keep on keeping on.  And the best news is that we both slept through the night last night, the whole thing, and then went on a run this morning, so you know its going to be a good day!  

We have been teaching the Plan of Salvation like crazy this week.  At least twice, if not three times a day!  I have learned so much, and have been so grateful for this plan of happiness that really can touch everyone's lives.  This week the Final Judgement started making more sense to me.  And I am actually kinda excited for that day.  But I put the pieces together, Christ will be there, standing by our sides.  He will be like our lawyer, and god will be the judge.  The coolest part is that Christ knows everything that we have felt, and he knows how hard we have worked to be better and to change, and so he will be there to plead for us. But if we haven't relied on him, if we haven't done all we can, then he won't know, he won't be able to plead for us.  It is just comforting for me to know that all this work will be worth it.  I was reading a talk this morning by Henry B. Eyring, about waiting on the Lord.  When I was finished I decided that the only thing to do, always, it just to go to work.  Keep his commandment, build his kingdom, have faith, and work, and he will bless us with Eternal Life.  Sweet.  

This week we were involved in a very interesting chain of events/miracles.  Last Sunday night all of our backups fell through and so we passed by a part really less active part really active family.  By a miracle the less active husband was hanging on the couch, so we quick asked if we could practice teaching the restoration to him and his none member tio.  It was a great lesson, and we found out a lot of new insights on why he hasn't been at church and all of that jazz, a break through if you will.  The none member tio wasn't super interested, but he was nice and listened.  A couple of days later Oralia called us and said that the tio has passed away in a car accident, where his brother had been driving and the brother lived.  She wanted the phone number of the Elders so they could go give Saul, the brother a blessing.  Turns out Saul is the father in law of one of our members, Ruth, and his son, Carlos is also not a member.  So we called Saul, set up an appointment, and visited him last night.  It was the biggest miracle, Saul and Carlos are both being prepared to accept the gospel.  We shared about the Atonement and how Christ conquered both death and sin, and the spirit was so strong.  Saul said he felt relieved when we were there and he wants us to come back.  It was the perfect ending the the week of being able to teach the Plan of Salvation non stop.  

Also I forgot to tell you!  David A. Bednar is coming to speak to our mission on May 3rd!  We found out a couple of weeks ago that somone was coming, but they told us this weekend that it is him.  We are all so excited, and preparing like it is conference again!  

The church put out this video for the Easter season, and as missionaries we have been asked to share it with everyone.  It really is so beautiful, here is the link, there are also some things to read.  So read it, and share it with everyone.  It makes me cry every time!  

I hope you all have a great week as you prepare for Easter this Sunday.  I know that my Savior lives.  I know that he loves me very much, and I know that through his help I can live forever in happiness.  And that is all i really want.  I love love love you all.  

xoxo Hermana Riley Jane

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