Monday, October 7, 2013

email 10.7.13

Mi familia!
Hola!  This week has been so full of so many good things that I don't even know where to start! 
At the beginning of the week I was feeling a little homesick, I don't know why...we were really busy, and everything was good, but I was just missing normal people that love me I guess.  But of coarse Heavenly Father sends his tender mercies.  The next day I got a letter and a CD in the mail from my dearest Anna.  It was exactly what I needed, she is my number one in the whole world.  And the next day I got the package from you guys, and it was just too perfect.  Just small reminders that you are all still out there and love me!  So thank you, I needed that! 
With the letter that Anna sent me she sent me a story about a missionary who was confused as to how come he didn't have the power that he wanted to be teaching with.  Sometimes its hard to be completely focused and in the state of mind to have the full power that we have the ability to have.  He was instructed to do a "40 day fast", from all the things that he did that were "gray areas", rules that he didn't follow exactly, but more than that, thoughts that he needed to stop.  I have found that that is the hardest part for me.  I can do/say/work as hard as I can, and can be doing the things that I am supposed to, but its my thoughts and my deepest desires that are harder to control.  So I decided to do the same thing.  It was actually pretty hard to start it off, but I wrote down a list of all the negative thoughts/though subjects I sometimes have, and pray specifically for those things daily, that I will have the self control to not.  So pretty much, I am working on changing my desires, its harder than I had expected, but I am excited! 
We had the most awesome miracle this week!  We had a zone meeting on Friday, where we talked about "obedience October" (we are studying our temple covenants).  Later Friday night we had an appointment with a new investigator.  It has been really hard to get a hold of him, and be able to teach him because he lives with all men, or is home alone, so we have to have a third female to go into his home and teach him.  Friday night we were planning on just teaching him outside, or taking him a couple of doors down to our members house.  (the member is a woman but refuses to ever really leave her house or associate with humans, but she was just going to stay in her room, just so we had someone else in the apartment) we got to the appointment and explained to Jesus what our plan was, but he told us that in his culture it is rude to not receive people in your house when they come to visit you, so we would have to reschedule...we were devastated!  But we have a few female member that live close and we knew that if we were being obedient to this rule, the Lord would bless us with a way to accomplish it.  So we started running around asking all our member if they could run down with us, and calling everyone we could think of, to no avail.  We were getting frustrated, but then decided to pray.  As soon as we were done praying the Spanish elders drove past us.  We flagged them down, and they agreed to teach the lesson for us!  It was a miracle! 
Conference was the BEST ever.  I loved every minute of it.  I am still trying to process everything, because it was all soo good.  I loved all the talks about missionary work, it is something that we are struggling with up here.  Getting the member excited and involved in helping us.  With such few members here, we really do need their help. I loved Elder Holland's talk, I cried.  I thought about Grandma Marie and the strength she had.  I thought about her being perfected, and when I see her again, I know we will rejoice together!  There was quite a few references to the fact that the decisions we make daily will affect our eternity...which is scary, but true.  Sometimes it seems like a lot of responsibility, but we can do it!  I loved D. Todd Christofferson's talk about women, we rock.  But seriously I thought that it was a good reminded of the power that we have.  And I loved the references to the fact that we do have priesthood power in our lives, even if we are not the carriers of it.  Mostly I loved everything.  We watched it at the church, so that was new for me, but it is always the same.  I was thinking about you guys too, it is amazing how many people were able to partake of the conference together! More thoughts to come!
In between sessions yesterday we went to visit Maria (of Maria and Ramon) she is still on date for baptism, but is praying to know what date.  We were just passing by to see how she was, we didn't have a lesson or anything.  After we sang we asked her how she was feeling about everything, the church, her baptism, what was on her mind.  She told us that she knows the church is true, it fills the emptiness in her heart that she has felt in every other church.  It was the first time that I have really felt like someone is getting it, I am helping someone on the path.  The spirit was so strong, and I love her so much.  Hopefully she will be baptized on the 19th!  Pray for her, that she will receive the answer to her prayers!
I am not getting transferred, but Hermana George it.  It is sad times over here!  I have just gotten comfortable and into a routine, so I guess its time for a change.  We are also getting another set of hermanas in our branch, so there will be a whole new set of missionaries in the area.  I am excited, it should be good!  And I am really happy I am staying!
I love you all very much.  Thank you for your love and support!  I want updates on all your missionary experiences, start praying for those!  I love my Savior, and I love being a missionary!
xoxo Hermana Myer!

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