Wednesday, August 13, 2014

email 8.4.14

We had so many breakthroughs this week, the work kind of exploded and it was so much fun! 

First of all, I had a miracle with my stomach.  I got a blessing, and then decided to stop taking my vitamins...and life is good.  God is good.  Just another reminded to always act in faith.  Miracles are real. 

We got a new set of Hermanas this week!  So my good old pal Hermana Chambers is up here, and she is training too!  So that was exciting because she is my friend and a really good missionary and I love her!  ALSO my bff Sister Seegmiller, who I served with in Harrisonburg got transferred up here and is my Sister Training Leader, so we are just having a party here in the Woodhood! 

Okay so mostly we just had a million of surprise member present lessons, which is always the most perfect, and also found a ton of people to start teaching.  We were lagging a little bit on the new investigator front, but then we were blessed with a million sweet referrals and then we just talked to everyone, and now we are busy busy busy teaching. 

We met this super awesome guy named Johnny, who is just the most prepared.  We were actually looking for his dad, but he was asleep, so he let us in anyways.  We started talking to him and he started telling us about his life.  He is a little rough around the edges, but he is in the process of becoming sober and changing!  He told us how his life had no purpose, he was just running around and doing bad stuff and he hated it and he felt bad inside and he wanted to change.  So he is in that process right now, we invited him to be baptized and he was so excited, it is exactly what he wants and needs.  He is a gem.  More to come. 

We have been teaching this cute family for the past transfer, the Hernandez family.  The old hermanas were teaching them, and passed them over to us, but we didn't get to see them for the first two weeks we were here.  But when we finally started teaching them we were so excited.  They had so much potential.  Every time we would go over they had the best questions, they were reading in the Book of Mormon, and they want to know if it is true.  BUT they had never came to church.  Finally on Saturday night we had a lesson about keeping the Sabbath day holy.  They were so sincere and committed to come to church on Sunday, because they really understood the importance and want to know if it is true!  YES.  They came, they loved it, they felt the spirit.  It was just perfect.  Also all the testimonies were really appropriate, and so that was also a huge blessing. 

I think last week I told you about the less active family, Ascencio, that we have been working with...well they came again!  I about cried.  BUT then Kevin, the 9 year old, got up and shared his testimony.  He said that he knows they haven't been at church in a while, but now they are coming again and he is never going to stop coming because it feels like home.  Then I actually cried, and I think everyone there too...even the Elders.  You know how I feel about my cute ninos, they just have the most pure testimonies and intentions, and I love them. 

I don't know if I have ever mentioned our friend Blanca.  She is a cute young mom in our ward and she was our first friend here.  She has two cute little boys, and a recent convert/less active we visit them.  They fed us dinner this week and I was just so impressed by her example.  She just wants to be good, she puts 110% into all she does, and she is the cutest mom.  I am so grateful for all of the really really good example that I have in my life. 

This week I started reading Preach My Gospel from page 1, just to mix it up.  And I am so happy I did.  I have been reminded about how much power and authority that we have as missionaries.  I really just want to live up every second of having that privilege.  Because it really is a privilege.  I read the Following up talk from conference again and he invites all  members to read the PMG, I know that we will all be truly blessed as we continue to go forth and share the gospel :)

Funny: We taught this new little family this week and when we were leaving, the little boy was said "HEY!  you guys are really smart, and know a lot of stuff, but next time can you teach us about Abraham Lincoln?"  We died. 

I love love love you all the most!  you are my favorite family.  I hope you have the best week ever! 

Love, Hermana Myer

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