Wednesday, August 13, 2014

email 8.11.14

Well well well, another great week.  This week was pretty tranquila, and fun, and surprising, and good all around, as usual.  Just the normal mission trip adventures. 

We had some really great lessons, and even found some members that had be hiding, silly guys, we always find them!  Anyway I learned a good lesson this week about waiting on Heavenly Fathers timing.  He is such a tricky little guy sometimes.  But I just know that he has his plan, he loves us, and he gives us what we need when we need it.

Our cute Noelia, who was supposed to get baptized this coming week, had a bit of a breakdown.  She is 15 and her brother is 11 and the hermanas had been teaching them since way before we got here.  Anyways she had a bit of a break down this week.  We were going through the baptismal questions with her and I think it is number three that asks about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, and she just burst out in tears.  She told us that she has been begging for an answer, she comes to church every Sunday, she reads the Book of Mormon every day, but she has just not received an answer yet.  She has the most sincere desires, and she wants her answer so bad, and she is just distraught that she has not received it yet.  Of course we are working with her on recognizing her answer and being patient, but it just touched my heart, how much she really wants this.  I just thought about how so  many of the answers I have received have been easy, and others hard, but in the end they are always answered.  I just know what she will know someday, and we have to be patient for when the time is right.  Yesterday we fasted with her, and I had one of the best experiences I have ever had with fasting.  I was able to receive direction not only for me, but for her as well, and the Sacrament is always a million times better when I fast.  I love being a missionary. 

I did have a surprise visit from the one and only Jessica Nelson, which was so random, and the best!  Things were just normal as ever, just best friends.  Which is funny because I think we have both changed quite a bit over the years.  But it was good to see her! 

We started doing assigned splits with the Relief Society women this week, and so far so good.  We really do have so much support from the ward, which is really nice.  It just makes me want to be a really really really good member missionary when I get back, you know to pay it forward.  Our bishops wife, Hermana Arana came out with us and we had a wee of a time.  Just as missionary work sometimes goes a lot all the appointments fell through and no one would really let us in...BUT  there is always a miracle to be had!  It started pouring rain and we were just walking around contacting some potentials but then we saw this kid walking his dog that looked like my cute Cristian from Chesterfields, so we had to stop him.  He was super nice and Hispanic but was trying to get out of the rain, but of coarse we noted what house he went into and went back to knock the door like10 mins later...I think he was a little freaked out, but then his mom came the to door, and was like "oh hi, Mormon missionaries?  My daughter goes to your church with the neighbors sometimes, please come back and teach me about your church on Monday at 6."  That mostly never happens, so we died of happiness and knew that we needed to meet her!  God is just so good to us. 

My favorite thing this week was lunch with Hermana Claros.  She is a member who feeds us every Thursday for lunch, and she is the biggest gem on the planet.  She is just my mom here in Woodbridge.  When I am at her house I feel happy, and loved, and like I can keep being a missionary even if sometimes it is a poquito hard.  I love her. 

I love being a missionary.  I love the gospel.  And I love you!  I hope you guys are looking for opportunities to share the gospel all the time, and praying for them too.  I love love love you! 

xoxo mana myer

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