Thursday, May 22, 2014

email 5.12.14

I think it was last week, when my dear friend Anna said in her email, "God isn't always on time, but he's never late!"  She is an inspired little one.  That is exactly how I feel this week.  We saw so many miracle, I know I always say that, but it is true, Heavenly Father has really been looking out for us this week, and he was not late!
This week was so happy.  Ruben got baptized!  He really did, and it was perfect, I couldn't have asked for anything better!  I love that boy.  He is so good, and he wants to be better and now he has the tools to do it.  So fun.  On Saturday we were running around like crazy people, and there was a giant rain storm.  But everything was just falling into place, Heavenly Father really was helping us out.  Ruben got there early, and was super nervous.  But he got ready and we even managed to get a couple of pictures and then we started in.  It was simple, and perfect.  He was baptized without a hitch.  Afterward we had a little fiesta because it was also his birthday, complete with a giant cake and pizza.  And the best part was the surprise futbol game that we played after in the gym, that Hermana Hiebert and I had already planned, which ended up being perfect because he told us he was sad because he just wanted to play futbol on his birthday but he couldn't because it was raining.  #inspiration.  He was so happy.  He came to church on Sunday and was confirmed, and stayed the whole time and learned and made friends.  It really was perfect.  We also had 6 other investigators come to church, that is an all time high.  Carolina and her 4 kids were there, which was the happiest.  Her and her 9 year old daughter Ruby are going to be baptized on the 7th of June, and they are so happy.

So the second set of miracles has to do with my Health.  For the past three months I have been having really really bad stomach pains, and some other funky side-effects.  I had tried everything in the book to fix myself up, but to no avail.  Finally the mission nurse decided it was time I go to a specialist.  He didn't know what was wrong, but started down a list of tests to do to find out.  Last Wednesday I had an endoscopy (where they put a camera down your throat to see what is going on in there), and they found nothing.  I was super super discouraged.  I was just so tired of being sick!  It is not fun to be sick as a missionary.  But then I decided that I had to stop being so sad about being sick.  On Wednesday morning when I woke up I just decided to give it to the lord.  I was not going to waste any more time worrying/complaining/whatever, I was just going to accept that this is my challenge, and I was going to go forward and keep working and do all I could to be the best missionary ever.  And then Wednesday afternoon the ball started rolling.  I made an appt to get an ultrasound for the next day.  Check.  Then Friday morning the Dr. called me and told me that I had gall stones, and I needed to get my ball bladder out asap.  Later that day I set up an appt with a surgeon and bam just like that, all my prayers were answers.  They found the problem, they found the solution, and bam.  All I had to do was submit my will to my Fathers, and he blessed me, immediately.  It was amazing.  

And the best part of all, was I got to talk to my mom yesterday!  And my whole family, but most importantly my mom.  She is the best example I could ever ask for.  I want to be just like her when I grow up.  She loves me and she has taught me how to love.  She is self-less and charitable and kind and patient and good.  She is just good.  So all in all, we had a good week.  We are happy and soon to be healthy, and I love to be a missionary.  

Funny of the week:  Sister Bennett thought that "light" brown sugar meant that is was diet brown sugar.  Her whole world just came crashing down around her.  We all about died.  

I love love love you all!  Have the best week, and remember to be good!  

xoxo Hermana Riley Jane

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